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Shop smartly and safely with Trinity

When you need to buy food items to store at home, or if you are craving a certain food, our caregivers will be on their way to address your needs. We will purchase only those that are on your grocery items list, and we make sure that all those items are budget-friendly, healthy, and passed the FDA and quality assurance. If you want to shop for groceries on your own, our caregivers will also be there to assist you. We will make sure that you are safe and comfortable throughout the shopping time.

If you need help determining which service best fits your condition and needs, you are always free to request a schedule for an appointment with us so we can conduct a thorough in-home assessment. Simply click here to get started.

You may drop us a message through our ONLINE CONTACT FORM, or you may also call us at 313-505-4151. Never hesitate to reach out to us should you have inquiries. We at Trinity Support Group Services will gladly address your concerns.